
  • dear everybody
    스치는 생각 2010. 2. 13. 22:48
    thank you for your concern and care. 
    thank you for your phonecalls, cupcakes, 'han-gwa,' CDs, and, most importantly, for your prayers for me.
    all these mean a lot to me. thank you, thank you.

    I'm doing OK.  Or, I'm trying hard to bring a degree of normalcy to my life. I cook, clean, talk with friends, and even write a little bit. I eat, I laugh. Yes. I do all those.  Although I am thus leading a normal life, fulfilling my daily duties as a mom-wife-homemaker, and although I'm 'doing' fine, it is still very hard to actually 'feel fine'----- because I feel a terrifying sense of loss,  because  my heart is bleeding deep inside.  And because of my crying spellsl---i cry uncontrollably for an hour or so, a few times a day.  But, no worries. I am just mourning in my own way, and it will pass, like everything else in life.

    I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for Joshua this morning.
    will update my blog when I get back.

    happy new year to you all.


    ps> hey, friends, i reread what I had written last night (at 4 am).
    boy, don't I sound like a drunkard after a few bottles of wine?! I sound incomprehensible!!
    for those of you who might be concerned that I'm drinking, no, I don't drink. I just lack sleep.  I haven't slept well for a few days.  And I'm going to sleep A LOT in Joshua.  

    remembering you in my prayer,


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